Do you remember when your cat was young and new?You’d play with him, and he would come and cuddle with you. You were the most important thing in his life. And his fragility and new-ness to the world made you feel special. You might just be the dopiest prick in…
Eugenie Sage: Our Most Regressive Politician
Before she, thankfully, stood down from re-election in October, Eugenie Sage from the Greens already ranked highly on my shit-list of worst political decision-makers ever.She was the “brains” behind the outlawing of single use disposable plastic bags. A Really Bad Decision-makerShe wasn’t alone in her left-wing appetitite for using public…
Information Technology: Is it Capital or Labour Intensive?
What got me into this blog topic was a recent posting by Real Engineering on Nebula looking at how video streaming services work. In the posting, the presenter gave some arm-wavy stats on the relative breakdown of their costs.Oh, by the way: Rebecca Drew is AWESOME (she told me if…
David Brian Ponting: 29 September 1969 – 3 November 2023
After a painful battle with cancer, Dave’s tragically short life ended today. But by his own decision, and with the full consent of the State. The Young HusbandI’ve known Dave since 1992, when I first met him in Dunedin whilst at University.Dave was married to Sarah Heal who studied history…
The Price of Booze and Smokes

Stats NZ released its Consumer Price Index today. Booze & Ciggie InflationHere’s what’s been happening to the relative cost of your weekly booze and smokes.Booze and smoke annual prices increased approximately 1.6% faster than other goods and services between 1988 and 2009. All other goods and services increased in price,…
Working From Home
Lots of the talking heads think that Wellington needs to return to the office for both productivity reasons, and also the good of the inner city.I’m currently at the Bank of New Zealand, and I asked my team why they don’t want to come into the office more. The most…
Brisbane Construction Boom
Rebecca and I landed in Brisbane last night, and we’re staying at the Emporium Hotel in South Bank. We have this phenomenal view of the Brisbane CBD. Check out this photo. It wasn’t clearly defined, so I added red marks over each.There are 13 cranes helping construction in Brisbane’s CBD….
Australian Adventuring

Woo hoo!!Rebecca and I are off to Brisbane for a week!!I’m hoping to catch-up with one of my best friends, Peter & Leigh Wysocki, and their family Trixie and Theo.Peter and I are going to the Nick Mason concert! And Rebecca is going to hang out beside an infinity pool…
Milk Scarcity
Oddest sign…… why does NEW ZEALAND have milk supply issues?!?!But it looks like it’s backed up by evidence:I’ll be damned… That’s not good for both June GDP, and New Zealand, especially given inflation and a contracting monetary policy stance.🫤
Straight Out of ThunderBirds File: The Caspian Sea Monster
Hot from the “Straight Out of ThunderBirds” file, comes the soviet Caspian Sea Monster Look at this baby!It’s called an Ekranoplan. Unlike other planes, this modified sea plane is designed to fly just meters over sea level, exploiting a aerodynamic effect called the Ground EffectThis beasty was created at the…
Single Issue Voter

ResponsesFirst response in from ACT Does ACT have a view on the Commission’s opinion around a 50-50 split, and would it seek to implement the Commission’s advice in the elected new parliament?ACT has not formed a position on the 50:50 split as advocated by the Law Commission in 2019. We…
The Best Stories are Economic
I’m watching These Final Hours. All the best movies are grounded in economics.This wasn’t a Wall Street movie. It wasn’t about money, or greed. It was about economics: choice, constraints, outcomes and uncertainty. It was an apocalypse story based on economics. Wasn’t this an Australian Sci-fi?That’s the thing about sci-fi…
Getting Creative
I’ve gotten myself a new drum kit 😁It’s a Alesis Mesh Drum KitLast week, I wasn’t feeling that great on Monday, so I took the afternoon off sick. Of course, with a new electric toy, my first idea was how do I connect it to my computer 🙂A few years…
A Foolish Government and Our Money are Soon Parted
I’m reading the late Brian Gaynor’s articles on the activities of the New Zealand government and corporate New Zealand in the early 1990s, especially around the privatisation, and ultimate sale of the BNZ to the National Australia Bank. Poor management and irresponsible lendingUp until the bank was partially privatised in…
When a Couple Means Three

From the Bad Supreme Court Decisions file comes this latest missive: Fiona Margaret Mead v Lilach Paul and Brett Paul.A relationship property case starring one guy (Brett) and two women (Fiona and Lilach) all sharing the same bed for 15 years, temporarily swapping in and out other partners, before finally…
Bertrand on Democracy and the Socialist State
I’m currently reading The Bertrand Russell CollectionBertrand was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, and widely regarded as a super smart guy with his head in many different subjects. Political IdealsBertrand had a lot to say about the State which I’m finding, when you look at…
Sounds to Sounds – Final Cost and Updated Gear List
Back on the 26 March, I wrote a gear-list for what I expected I’d need on the Sounds to Sounds ride. Also, I’ve reconciled the total cost of the event as a guide for future riders. CostIn total, for the 17 days on the road, I spent $5,702.18, or $4,442.35…
Day 17 – Last Day – Lessons in Risk

Day 17 – when I was doing my big push up into Milford Sounds – could have turned out extremely differently, and cost me my chance at glory because of a very very simple omission.But it ended up in MASSIVE GLORY, beersies, a steak dinner and me sleeping with three…
Day 16 – Let’s Do That Hill Again

Wet wet wet: shitty 1980’s band and nasty way to start a 87km ride between Mossburn and Te Anau, but that’s bike packing for you.The day was tricky because I’m so close to finishing, it was difficult getting my head into the right place for this ride. That’s my reason…
Day 15 – Make Something Small Bigger? Go See Mum

The guide’s plan for today is easy: 60 km from Garston to Mossburn. I thought I’d kick it up a notch and go another 70km and see my mum.I had an interesting historical ride around this ends of Southland. I dropped south at Lumsden and stopped off in Dipton where…