I got this at 9:30 pm on Saturday.I’m so angry with bluebridge! Next steps: reschedule So I immediately got on the phone only to learn that “I had called them outside office hours”, meaning the only way I could reschedule was to actually pony-up at their terminal. So, at 10:30pm,…
The Weather Outlook for Sunday

Looks like I’m going to get a wet arse in the morning at Ship’s Cove on Sunday, but sunny days with tail winds all the way to Christchurch!
Nothing is easy
Of course…I’ve been able to rebook on the next available sailing which is Sunday 2 April leaving at 2 amSo I leave Wellington at 2 am, get into Picton at 5:45 (ish), and catch the ferry at 7:00 am and do the Queen Charlotte track.Vic suggested I cycle to Portage…
The Rimutaka Rail Trail
I finally got back on my bike yesterday to do some decent kilometers in the saddle. John Keene and I decided we’d ride the Rimutaka Rail Trail.IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT It WAS a dark and stormy night! I woke up at 2:00am with the sound of rain…