Always take the opportunity to read signs. Here’s one I found on my travels.It’s a very functional sign, devoid of hyperbola or ceremony. It speaks nothing of the time this road took to make, the amount of labour effort which went into it, nor the loss of whatever it was…
My father, age 48
Back yourself
Marketing, Government Style
Of course, the government could just announce the next step in its Omicron response….But it would much rather announce its intention to announce the next step in its Omicron response, and get two sucks at the media headlining saveloy…
Sign o’ th’ times
All of New Zealand is in “the red zone”.Everyone in Wellington is staying away. Here’s Lambton Quay, Wellington’s “Golden Mile”, at 12:15pm today …Businesses are struggling because economic demand is being strangled by the government locking New Zealand down
Testing, public sector style
So, I’m sitting at the Lower Hutt COVID testing center, waiting to get a test.I’ve been here for over two hours now.The government coordinating this is a complete mess, and waste of time.The reason for the long time delay turned out not to be related to volume: some numpty changed…
CONTEXT: I WATCH TOO MUCH TVI’m watching a documentary on Netflix called, “The Tinder Swindler” about a con artist. The antagonist is an evil swine who stole what the documentary maker guesses was approximately $10 million dollars from innocent women whom he met over Tinder.My blood boiled. I can’t imagine…
In trouble with the law
I’m of the firm belief that at some stage (preferably during their youth),everybody needs to get in trouble with the law.It’s only when you butt up against authority do you really know the power and strength of authority and all the things it’s legitimised to do to you.And then, you…
My life is full of non-single use, non-disposable bags…
One of the first things 2017’s Labour / Greens / New Zealand First coalition government did was strongly signal its “green credentials”. First cab off the ranks was stopping new offshore drilling oil permits.The second cab off the ranks was, oddly, single use disposable plastic bags….Rejoicing in the collective kumbiya…
Got a new cat 🐱
Meet Marco 😁
Another great New Zealand legend bows deeply, and exits stage left…
Sadly, today a New Zealand comedy legend and icon of my early life, David McPhail, died.David joins a sadly long list of New Zealand greats…
Colonialism in sport: email to Newsroom
From: Sent: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 12:59 pm To: ‘’ ; ‘’ Subject: Woman’s rugby as a process of colonisation?Hi Mark and Tim,I was reading Ashley Stanley’s article on woman’s sports ( and was interested in the connection made between where the professional game is now between the genders,…
Finding beauty in the small things
Sometimes…. The morning dishes can look like a Japanese garden water feature…