Fill your Mind

Back in the day, when the internet wasn’t behind a firewall, you could download and listen to all of Berkeley University’s first year lectures.I used to download all of these onto my MP3 player, and go cycling for 2-3 hours, feeding both body and mind.I’ve found they’ve archived all the…

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Permanent Income Hypothesis: a very gentle primer

Revisionist historians and chardonnay socialists find their happy place throwing poo at Milton Friedman’s ideas. Friedman encompasses everything they think is wrong with economics, especially those economic ideas that have changed the world: “The Origin Of ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’: Milton Friedman”, Steve Denning, Forbes “Milton Friedman: a study in…

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When markets operate perfectly

Love this article: the moment the government is pumping as much money into the economy as it can. They’re pumping the paper stuff – not the legally binding contracts to deliver work stuff (which is called “fiscal policy”) – into the economy.They’re hoping that, with negative interest rates, banks…

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