Sign o’ th’ times

All of New Zealand is in “the red zone”.Everyone in Wellington is staying away. Here’s Lambton Quay, Wellington’s “Golden Mile”, at 12:15pm today …Businesses are struggling because economic demand is being strangled by the government locking New Zealand down 

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RNZCGP Medical Director on COVID Fear

FROM THE HERALD – 16 FEBRUARY 2022Dealing with Covid needs a mindset changeLet’s keep calm, keep healthy and, more importantly, get vaccinated and boosted. In the end we will get there and back to our ‘new normal’.The New Zealand HeraldDr Bryan Betty is medical director at The Royal New Zealand…

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Testing, public sector style

So, I’m sitting at the Lower Hutt COVID testing center, waiting to get a test.I’ve been here for over two hours now.The government coordinating this is a complete mess, and waste of time.The reason for the long time delay turned out not to be related to volume: some numpty changed…

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CONTEXT: I WATCH TOO MUCH TVI’m watching a documentary on Netflix called, “The Tinder Swindler” about a con artist. The antagonist is an evil swine who stole what the documentary maker guesses was approximately $10 million dollars from innocent women whom he met over Tinder.My blood boiled. I can’t imagine…

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Follow Vic Sefton on the Tour of Aotearoa

Last year, Victoria Sefton was one of my regular blog readers while I was doing the Tour of Aotearoa. This year, she’s going to be pumping her own peddles and doing the hard kilometers.Follow her travels and support her:, every tour rider contributes to a charity. Feel free to…

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A divided country

Today, in Wellington, thousands of normal people peacefully protested the government’s COVID-19 policies.The protest, reported by RNZ as having approximately 3000 protestors, was much larger, and filled Lambton Quay for 45 minutes, as the crowd marched to parliament.Unlike previous COVID protests, this march missed the usual kooks and weirdos that…

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In trouble with the law

I’m of the firm belief that at some stage (preferably during their youth),everybody needs to get in trouble with the law.It’s only when you butt up against authority do you really know the power and strength of authority and all the things it’s legitimised to do to you.And then, you…

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…Yes they do…

From ‘determined to see a change in housing’ “No one wants to see our housing market crash,” Prime Minister Ardern said at the post-Cabinet meeting press briefing this afternoon.

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Totally over mask wearing

I’m so doubley-dosed with vaccine.Why do I need to wear a mask?I’m totally sick and tired of all of the government’s COVID-19 rules, and I’m over labour’s nanny state.The worst thought is there’s another two years worth of her hell before I can cast my vote to throw out the…

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All Hail!

Here’s a GREAT app / website: found Pressreader through the Hutt City Library who have a library-wide subscription allowing their members free access to the world’s papers.For all those current-events interested persons who are sick of Radio New Zealand’s sycophantically-biased selection of news content, Pressreader allows readers to triangulate…

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Wolves in sheep’s clothing

The government’s Three Waters reform is wiffy. Seriously wiffy that not all looks as it seem, sometimes milk masquerades as cream.Phil Goff, current Auckland Mayor,  ex-labour party leader and a long term pinko-socialist isn’t towing the party line over the government’s Three Waters reform. I can imagine this is to…

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Better data storytelling

There is no such thing as truthThere are only stories. And everyone has their own version. For example, when talking about why the sun rises, over the ages there have been many many different stories people believed to be true.The Greeks and the Aztecs thought the sun to be a…

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