I’m loving Suva! Check this out:

I’m sure lots of happiness is had at the fine and reputable Happy Motel (and a cheap hourly rate)
I’m in Suva for work
When ever we travel, work gives us a per diem amount which can spend how we choose on accommodation, food, taxi and incidentals. I dropped all of my per diem onto my mortgage to pay for my new kitchen, hence why I’m pitching my accommodation at the $30-per-hour-room quality levle.
I’m actually staying at a place that’s only slightly better the very reputable Happy Motel.
I got to the hotel on Tuesday and Suva was bucketing down in very heavy rain. My original room was on the ground flood and it was starting to full up with water coming up through the floor from all of the rain outside:

Its better, however, than the Nadi Transit (red building to the right), which was cheaper but when I opened the bathroom door in the middle of the night something with LOTS of legs ran very quickly across the floor and into a hole under the toilet s-bend…
I think I might add a blog category – cheapest accommodation adventures 🙂