Of course…

I’ve been able to rebook on the next available sailing which is Sunday 2 April leaving at 2 am
So I leave Wellington at 2 am, get into Picton at 5:45 (ish), and catch the ferry at 7:00 am and do the Queen Charlotte track.
Vic suggested I cycle to Portage and stay there on the first day, especially if it’s forecast to be wet on Sunday.
We’ll see how we go. I’ll see if I can transfer my Saturday accommodation at Sequoia Lodge to the Sunday with the potential that I flag it and stay at Momorangi Bay or something.
Ahhh… And it starts 🥰
Kia kaha, e hoa! You’ve earned this and it’s just the universe making sure it’s definitely you and not an imposter – by throwing Resilience tests early on. Stay on target!
Always Vic 🙂 struggling to get to the start line is all part and parcel of the entertainment package 😂