I’m currently reading this book:

I strongly recommend it.
I’m up to Lee Kuan Yew. I wish New Zealand had this type of leadership.
Let me quote the good Professor:
In Lee’s perception, excellence meant much more than individual performance: the quest for it needed to permeate the entire society.
Whether in government service, business, medicine or education, mediocrity and corruption were not acceptable.
There was no second chance in case of transgressions, very little tolerance for failure.
In this manner, Singapore achieved a worldwide reputation for collectively outstanding performance.
Kissinger, Leadership
Except for New Zealand of 1984, could anybody honestly say New Zealanders shared this same drive?
Here’s a little something. I recently went for a role in the Cook Islands, and made this presentation: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Aoh2jpzcY11Nhz7XHJSfXjDqTNX7
I critiqued the role of education as a future source for continued economic growth. Rather than teaching Science, Technology, English and Mathematics (STEM), the Cook Islands Education Master Plan has its primary focus on teaching Cook Islands identify.
Those same criticisms about whether New Zealand has the correct educational focus are fair comment for New Zealand as well.