Sunday 4 September was a glorious day, for no other reason than the sun was out for the first time in what felt like months.
But I had another: the day before I had just brought a brand new carbon fibre mountain bike.

So, of course, I had to take it out for a spin 🙂
I live close to Belmont Regional Park, so I took her (I’ve decided to call her Easy), up the back of Belmont.

Quality day for riding as the below two panoramic money shots show. An absolute crystal clear morning, if a little bit breezy.
But like, check out that sky! Nice and early in the day, the morning was crisp and fresh.

Belmont Regional Park is one of my favourites, not just because it’s on my doorstep, but because it offers 360 degree views of the Wellington region.
From almost the one spot you can see Porirua and the Cook’s Strait on one side, and Upper/Lower Hutt and Wellington on the other.
But Belmont’s got more than just stunning views. Potted throughout the hills are concrete bunkers and ammunition stores.

And up at the top, although I couldn’t get to it today, is an airfield. At the moment, the area is closed off for lambing season.

During normal times, tracks span the undulating hills from south of Kelson to Korokoro, near the Petone foreshore, offering walking, mountain bike and horse riding for those seeking a days adventure.


It turns out to be this building here (turn on the satellite layer):
A nameless (to Google) square building packed to the gunnels with what looks to be microwave dishes, and placed in between two REALLY big antennas.
It might be a radio station repeater or something. But it’s more fun to think it’s a covert sigint spy station.
The Old Coach Road trail takes you up to a pylon at the top of one of the taller hills. By this time, the wind had REALLY kicked off, and taking the below pictures, my phone was at risk from getting blown out of my hands.
Check out the attached video for the sounds of what felt like a gale force wind at the top of the hill.

Cycling gives you a lot more sensory experience than other forms of transport. I’m a fan of motorbikes, but even traveling on one if those, you’re wearing a full faced helmet (unless you’re dumb), and you miss the sounds and the smells of the land you’re traveling through.
So, as sample of some of the experiences you get, here’s a taste of the things you’ll miss if you’re not cycling or walking.
Too bad I can’t record the smell of the trees this ticking electric fence box was in…

Other pictures from the day. I sort of got into a very Zen mind state up on the hill. Cycling does that to me 🙂
Here’s some more happy snaps from the day 🚴

A very good day 😁👍👍